Tuesday, December 21, 2010

2010 coming to an end...

My daily facebook posts for December have been "Things I've learned in 2010".  My plan is to revisit these posts during my 2011 training when I need encouragement!  I've had such a great year this year filled with family, friends, races, travel and wonderful memories.  To recap 2010:

Logged 2,800 miles swimming, biking, and running
Trained 355 hours
Joined the "Ring of Honor" at Flying Saucer
Permanetly marked myself as a marathoner (26.2 tattoo)
Took pictures at best locations and highest venues possible
Introduced 'Flat Rhonda' as my race companion
Had the best 'pool rotation' summer ever
Consumed dozens of limes in beer.
Met wonderful and inspiring people through Twitter.
Slept 2,900 hours
Had #coffeecheers daily
Learned to breakdown and put together my bike (thanks to Jay)
Bee sting on eyelid under sunglasses while riding a bike at 18mph.
Jelly fish sting while swimming to say hi to Barnacle Bob.
Accomplished race goals.
Most importantly hugs, kisses, and cuddle time with my boys!
I've raised the bar in 2011 and I am looking forward to the challenge.

Merry Christmas